The Chamber of Commerce of Cantabria (ES) as Welcome&co project coordinator applicant, together with Unione Regionale delle Camere di Commercio, I.A.A. Veneto, Eurosportello of Veneto (IT), University of Primorska (SI), as core partners. We have already worked together in the European Program titled Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs.
Cornwall College (UK) and Berlink ETN GmhH (DE) will act as associated partners contributing with the educational and entrepreneurial approach to SMEs in their countries.
Consejería de Educación, Cultura y Deporte de Cantabria, and its Centro Integrado nº1, will collaborate by providing its local VET know-how and support.
This interactive map contents the consortium members map. Please, mouse over one of the dots to see the detailed member's profile .
+34 942318314 See full description
+44 0845 22 32 567 See full description
+49 30 97005692 See full descripcion
+39 0410999411 See full description
+386 5 611 75 00 See full description
The Chamber of Commerce of Cantabria is a public corporation whose mission is to preserve and promote the general interests of commerce, industry and shipping, in order to contribute to the strengthening of the regional economy of Cantabria.
Law 3/1993, which currently governs Chambers of Commerce by defining them as public corporations and recognizing the importance of their work, also reinforces the role of Chambers in the promotion of foreign trade and training, opening a field of action in vocational training.
It also sets the basis for the development of their managerial role, administrative delegation and Government consultant. Royal Decree-Law 13/2010, of 3 December amends Law 3/1993, of 22 March by eliminating companies’ membership requirements.
The Chamber of Commerce of Cantabria is organized in the following main Services: Industry, Environment and Innovation, Foreign trade, Documentation and Studies and Training, Employment and Entrepreneurship.
It is certified according to ISO 9001 and ISO 14001.
Cornwall College is one of largest Further and Higher Education college in the UK, with around 37,800 learners, 2,000 employees and a turnover of over £78m. The College has seven campuses spread throughout Cornwall, including two specialist land-based colleges and a marine specialist college.
We took the decision many years ago to become a business focused college and adapted our structure to reflect this. We are now recognised as a national leader in terms of our employer focused culture and delivery. The UK government has funded Cornwall College to provide consultancy to other colleges on how to become more effective at working with businesses.
Cornwall College Business, our employer-facing arm, provides education and training to businesses across the south west region of England. At any one time we are working with 4000 – 5000 businesses across the region. Cornwall College is a leading provider of Apprenticeships with over 1,400 apprentices.
Cornwall College is the regional hub of the Peter Jones Enterprise Academy, which nurtures talented young entrepreneurs and offers the business skills they need to set up their own business.
Since 2004 we have been managing the Unlocking Cornish Potential (UCP) programme which places graduates with companies to run innovative projects leading to business growth and supporting economic prosperity in Cornwall. Over this period the UCP programme has placed more than 800 graduates with over 600 companies - the majority of these placements have led to permanent jobs. Last year we launched the Graduate Start Up programme which has already led to the formation of 30 new graduate businesses being formed.
Berlink is a German intermediary organization with a consolidated experience in organizing qualified professional, educational and workplacement experiences in Berlin.
The aim of the company matches the general goals set out in the Leonardo da Vinci programme: enhancing attractiveness, improving the quality and increasing the volume of mobility and co-operation between educational institutions and enterprise.
As intermediary organisation, we receive participants from all over Europe and we organise for them work placements for them in different vocational areas. BERLINK also organises professional visits, seminars and socio-cultural programmes. Professional practice internship are offered in private sector companies, governmental organizations, NGOs, schools, colleges and universities. Progress is monitored through regular contact with participants and host companies, following the procedures of the ECVET system, on skills assessment and recognition.
Berlink intensely cooperates with a wide network of local companies, and is actively involved in EU projects that compile innovative experiences and good practices on active participation of SMEs as host partners in mobility projects.
Thanks also to a solid network of international partners and an ongoing exchange process of transnational experiences, Berlink is able to provide workplacement experiences that have relevant impact on the learning process, by applying innovative methods and a common approach to planning and delivering successful training on the job preparing for work experiences.
Berlin has become, in recent years, one of the most exciting cities in the Europe, and is the ideal destination for a fruitful training and life experience. It is a world city of culture, politics, media, and science, well known for its festivals, diverse architecture, nightlife, contemporary arts, public transportation networks and a high quality of living.
BERLINK is part of "ETN Group" with companies in Italy (Rimini), Spain (Valencia), Bulgaria (Sofia) and UK (Portsmouth).
The Regional Association of the Chambers of Commerce of the Veneto Region (Uniocamere del Veneto) is a public equivalent body coordinating 7 Chambers of Commerce and contributing to the economic policies of a large part of the country. Consisting of three departments, our institution employs more than 60 people in both Venice and Brussels.
Through its European policies department named Eurosportello Veneto, Unioncamere Veneto is fully equipped and staffed to successful manage EU projects. Eurosportello Veneto is actually an information and assistance office providing services and helping the business community - especially SMEs based in Veneto (4,900,000 inhabitants and 560,000 SMEs) - to work better in the European Single Market. Unioncamere Veneto is lead partner of the Consortium Friend Europe, which covers north-east Italy (Triveneto) and which is part of the Enterprise Europe Network, a network of more than 280 offices throughout Europe, all linked to each other and with headquarter in Brussels, promoted by the European Commission, Directorate General Enterprises and Industry.
Unione Regionale delle Camere di Commercio del Veneto - Eurosportello Veneto
Via delle Industrie 19/D
I-30175 Venezia
T:+39 0410999411
F: +39 0410999401
The mission of the Centre for Cooperation with Economy UP SRC is to create connections and efficient synergy for cooperation involving the educational and scientific research capacities of Universities with economic subjects, based on actual needs and demands of zhe economy. In order to achieve this goal, the Centre offers a wide range of holistic support services that are mainly focused on the active transfer and marketing of technological knowledge produced by the University of Primorska. These activities lead to applicative research and development projects which provide useful solutions, and enable the transfer of technologies based on the demands of companies, and introduce jointly produced innovative products and services. The Centre thus aims to contribute to the higher competitiveness and recognisability of the University of Primorska and Slovenia in Europe.
The Centre for Cooperation with Economy is also member of the Enterprise Europe Network, launched by the European Commission.